Everyone Deserves The Best Chance in Life.

Empowering the Orphans of Uganda through Nutrition, Education and a Place to Call Home

Hello, We're Sealen Children's Foundation.

We are Committed to Enriching the Lives of Uganda’s Youth.

Children have so much to offer to the world – we believe in the power that they hold, and know that they will mold future generations to come. At Sealen Children’s Foundation, we are here to give them the support they need in order to shape them into leaders of the future. We have a number of nutritional and health programs for about 70 orphans, with more arriving each month. 


There are so many school aged going children that are not enrolled in school today, yet the best way to fight poverty is by educating a child.


We found that, when coupled with quality proper nutrition is one of the most reliable factors which determine a child’s ability to succeed.


One of our most important goals is to develop the land so that we can feed our children with less hardship.

How You Can Help

At Sealen Children’s Foundation, we have been focused on finding partners to assist with our ever-growing community of orphans and caretakers, and are happy to share our achievements with you. For five years, we have been making a difference in the lives of youth in the Kampala region of Uganda, and we take pride in everything we do. Read all about our latest updates, and get involved today!


Beyond physical needs, we nurture the spiritual and moral growth of our children through discipleship and mentorship programs. We instill values of love, kindness, and leadership to help them grow into responsible and caring individuals.


We focus on the goals of: Staying Positive, Keeping Faith and Hard Work.
We want all of our children to one day to be good and faithful adults. We teach them that family is not always relatives. Sometimes family is what you make it.


It is the difference between poverty and plenty. Without an education, jobs are hard to come by, and without a job, a mother or father cannot feed their children. When parents cannot support their families, the family unit often breaks up, and children end up on the streets or in orphanages.

Volunteer with Us

Children have so much to offer to the world. At Sealen Children’s Foundation, we believe in their potential to shape the future. Our mission is to provide the care, education, and support they need to grow into strong, compassionate, and capable leaders.